Caption Style Guide
- Due No due date
- Questions 2
- Time Limit None
- Allowed Attempts Unlimited
You've just learned how to caption sounds and music based on DCMP Style Guideline. Captioning sounds and music can be a bit tricky at first, but hopefully this activity will help clarify.
To begin, watch this video and read the Directions:
- For each question, watch the provided clip.
- Each question will be in the format of an essay question to give you an opportunity to type captions as they would be seen onscreen. For the purpose of this activity disregard case, font, line division, caption duration, and caption placement. Group captions in a pair as you would in a captioning editor, for example:
He suspected that his face
turned pale.
He knew he wouldn't be able
to speak if spoken to.
Running toward the void,
he halted…
- After submitting your answers, guidance will be provided to help you check your understanding.
- Please note that your transcript may vary from the feedback provided. Depending on the situation, there may be multiple ways of captioning a scene. Please refer to the DCMP Captioning Key for more information.